Going into an audition fully prepared is likened to going to a farm with all your farming tools, there is always a smile on your face when you are ready. But as important as it is for you to carry the necessary tools, you must first know the tools you need, and else you go with the wrong tool. This knowledge brings us to the question ‘What do you need for an acting audition?’
Table of Contents
- 5 Tips You Need Before Going Into An Acting Audition?
- 5 Tips on How And Where To Find Acting Auditions
- 10 Tips You Need During An Acting Audition
- What Questions Are Asked In An Audition?
- Types of Audition
- Conclusion
5 Tips You Need Before Going Into An Acting Audition?
Before going into an audition, there are things you need to do to improve your chances of success. Below are the things you need;
- Demo Reel – a demo reel is a must-have for every beginner actor entering an audition. You need to tender it to the Director, so he will see what you are capable of doing. Also, the demo reel helps verify your resume, proving that all you have in your resume are real and not made up.
- Resume and Headshot – you must go into an audition with your resume and your Headshot adequately attached to it. It helps increase your chances of a callback.
- Do your homework – you must memorize your lines, monologues, and song as the case may be, in other not to waste your time and that of the Director. Adequate preparation will aid you in making an impression on the casting director, you must do your homework to be ready to deliver. You need to be prepared before every audition, by understanding the material and the character itself.
- Make Up Your Mind – you must settle in your mind, how you want to project the character and deliver the script. It is crucial you know what you want and how you want to do it, sometimes, you might not get the role, but the Director might fix you somewhere you fit in perfectly. So the bottom line is to do it the best way you can.
- Be Flexible – This is very important for you to understand because the Directors can sometimes make an adjustment to your performance, or demand you to do something outside your script. So you should be able to improvise and interpret the change in the script, which will be a huge plus. So while preparing yourself by doing your homework, just should ensure you have a flexible mind to improvise.
A secret video showing Hollywood stars auditioning for their first roles.
5 Tips on How And Where To Find Acting Auditions
Beginner actors are often anxious to get their first audition, so they often ask how do I get an acting audition? there are several ways you can find an acting audition. These ways include;
Using Your Connections
The first thing you should do when looking for an acting audition is to engage the people around you, your friends, acting coaches, and fellow actors. So, when they see or hear of an opening for auditions, they will inform you about it. They can also link you up with an agent that will help you find acting auditions and open casting calls.
Acting Auditions Online
The internet has made the whole world a global village, with just a simple search for ‘casting calls near me’, you can have access to the available online audition adverts in your area. For many people, it is just to visit popular acting and theatre websites to check for openings. There are many websites to visit, but below are some of the most popular acting audition websites;
- Casting Talents
- NY Castings
- Auditions Free
- Casting Call Hub
- Project Casting
- All Casting
- Casting Elite
- Cast Caller
- Open Auditions UK
- Backstage
- Actors Access
- Casting Network
- Playbill
- Casting Frontier
- Now Casting
Social Media
Most of these acting agencies have a social media handle, which they sometimes use for publicity. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube should be handy for you when searching for an acting audition, follow their pages and always be on the lookout for any updates. You can make use of Hashtags to search on Instagram and Twitter.
Sign Up for Newsletter
In the sites listed above, ensure you subscribe to at least five of them so that you can receive their newsletter and updates. When creating your account, ensure you use multiple headshots and make your account unique.
Contacting Your Local Film Office
Linking up with your local film office will help you get the necessary information on current casting productions, casting calls, acting auditions, etc. Most times, when background actors are needed, they turn to the local film office for help. You can get the contacts of casting directors who are hiring.

10 Tips You Need During An Acting Audition
- Confidence – you must show a high level of confidence, enter the room with your head high, avoid shuffling feet, and keep a smiling face.
- Personality – you should not show signs of timidity, answer questions thoroughly, avoid one-word answers and ask questions also. They are looking for smart and intelligent and curious actors.
- Connection – you should connect with the reader and try as much as possible to maintain eye contact. To do this, you must have memorized your lines and master the dialogue.
- Character – you must embrace the character; you must have all the angles to the character like what the screenwriter and other characters say about them.
- Objective – at every scene, you must understand the objectives of the character, its purpose, and demands from other characters.
- Obstacle – it is important you are aware of all the obstacles in the way of the character in getting what they want because when you understand this, you can best deliver.
- Opposites – using opposite emotional actions will help you score good points rather than doing the expected to like you can display anger in another form rather than yelling.
- Love – you should use the love scenes to your advantage because it requires lots of emotion, and the jury is looking out for those moments.
- Act – you should act more than talk, so you can act out some lines instead of saying them.
- Variety – you should be sensitive to see the transition in character, like for a tough character, there will be an emotional part when the character is vulnerable. You should enjoy the variety of emotions.
What Questions Are Asked In An Audition?
Being prepared is key to a successful audition, so aside from preparing for the acting aspect of the audition, there are a few questions the Directors might likely ask you. These questions are essential when the Director wants to make a decision, so it’s not only necessary to know these questions, but to be ready to provide the best answers.
One important thing you must know as a beginner actor is how to introduce yourself in an audition. Below are the audition questions for actors;
- Tell us about yourself?
- What’s your experience in acting?
- What is this project about?
- Have you seen any of the Director’s work?
- What are your thought about the project?
- Why do you want to be in the project?
- Have you played a similar role before?
- What makes you an excellent candidate for the role?
- How do you relate to the part?
- What have you prepared for the audition?
- Why did you prepare this particular piece?
- Are you easy to work with?
- Can you take direction?
- Can you act to the Director’s instructions?
- Are you confident about your acting?
- Are you confident about your look?
- Are you easy-going and friendly?
- Are you fussy about anything?
- Do you have any attitude issues?
- Are you going to be available, on/for the production dates?
- Do you have any questions?
Your answers to all or some of these questions when asked might be the determining factor in getting selected. You must answer the questions correctly.
Types of Audition
There are four basic categories of acting auditions, and they are classified based on how the auditions are carried out. These categories are;
- Open Audition – These are auditions that are open to the public, they are advertised in the newspaper, online, on television, on radio, on posters, etc. The eligibility criterion is also made available for all to see, and there are usually large turnouts depending on the publicity media used.
- Private Auditions – This is reserved for a selected few, participants are sent an invitation to come for the audition. Participants are usually few in this audition.
- Recall Audition – The recall audition is an audition that is done in phases, the participants who were successful in the first phase audition will be recalled to undergo the second phase audition, after which the final selection is made.
- Screen Test – in a screen test audition, participants are required to record themselves acting in a script they were given and send it to the jury. The goal is to see how participants look at the screen, whether good or bad, and they are judged based on that.
Most times, beginner actors or actors with no experience get anxious and ask lots of questions about auditioning, but auditions are easy to find and get the role you are auditioning for, all that is required is proper understanding and preparation. These tips revealed will help you before and during auditions.
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